What is Wrong With Us?

The tears stream down my face as I watch. All I can think of is what if that was my baby girls. My heart fills with a fierce, protective love…

Sleeping Angels

Sometimes when my baby is sleeping, I pop my head over the cot right up to her face and just watch her tiny body. I wonder if she can sense…

The First Six Weeks with Savannah

Its a blur. The first six weeks always is, as you try to recover from childbirth and your baby tries to settle into life outside your womb. There are no schedules…

Meet the Octonauts DVD giveaway

Octonoauts are ready to go! Kalyra and I love watching the Octonauts as they live their adventures under the sea rescuing turtles from whirl pools and sea horses from scary…

Our Children Choose Us

A comment I received via email from a reader of y travel blog made me really smile the other day. It reminded me of what Craig and I believe to…

When a Child Gets Sick

Kalyra is feeling poorly lately and is currently throwing up beside me on the couch (well 5 minutes ago) She was howling with pain the other night, complaining of a…