Improving My Health

I have started Operation Get My Life In Order and one of the areas is improving my health.

It is really sad that so many of us let our health slide into the background falling second, third, or last to every other priority in our life that chews away at our time.

improving my health

Healthier days

Health should never be placed into the background. It is the one thing we should be getting right and paying attention to. If we don’t get that right everything else in our life suffers.

As in any area you want to improve, you need some goals.

Improving my Health Goals

  • Lose 5-7 kilos by the end of November
  • Increase my energy levels
  • Reduce my coffee intake
  • Increase the amount of water I drink
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet of more fruit, nuts, grains and vegetables, and less sugar

My Health Improvement Plan

  • Drink 2 L of water every day. I will make sure I have a bottle of water sitting on my desk and carry it around more with me.
  • Walk for at least 30 mins at least 4 times a week
  • Exercise vigorously– combining aerobic and strength training at least 3 times a week for at least 30 mins
  • Drink no more than one cup of coffee a day, instead replacing it with green tea. If I can get this down to just 2-3 cups a week, I’ll be happy.
  • Sleep at least 6 hours a night ( Savannah darling, I need your help on this one)
  • My diet is pretty good. Being vegetarian I eat a lot of fruit and veg, nuts and grains. I want to cut down the amount of bread I eat and special chocolatey, cake treats.
  • Take Spirulina every day and liver cleansing tonic

How will I be accountable?

This is the hardest factor with trying to improve anything. We have the goals, the plan but then when it comes time to putting it into action we let excuses get in the way.

I will record my progression both here in the blog and on my fan page. I’d love for you, my readers, to check in with me every now and then, asking how the plan is going, either on twitter, facebook or the blog.

Craig and I will be helping each other be accountable. He has a hidden six pack that he wishes to rediscover as well.

The good news is that I have already started and today my muscles are aching from my workout yesterday.

The bad news is that I did not work out this morning. I had good intentions, but after a rough night with sweet Savannah, I just could not get myself up early enough. Never fear I will be exercising this afternoon. Maybe just a walk to ease out the pains in my muscles.

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Let me know what goals you have for improving your health.

posted in: Daily living, Health
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  • kirri

    What a beautiful photo of you….glowing 🙂

    Im so with you….I work out, drink plenty of water and am now meditating regularly BUT I do live for chocolate, i do need to eat more fruit and veges EVERY day (not just 3-4 days a week). I could also do with a bit more sleep but….maybe that can wait till Im dead lol

    I will check up on you, and hope you will do the same for me?

    I used to drink Spirulina but then changed to wheat grass and now…neither.
    Do you recommend any spiralina supplement in particular?


    • Caz

      i forgot to put mediation in there, I have to find a way to fit it in- should really be a priority. I always say I’ll sleep when I’m dead too LOL

      I take Morlife capsules and they seem to be pretty good. I have some powder stuff that I put in my smoothies when Kalyra doesn’t want any. the green colour is a dead giveaway to her and she won’t go near it.
      i will check in on you!!


  • Kelly Exeter

    Yay for you Caz … sometimes it seems we are living parallel lives 🙂 This year I have been pregnant for 6 months over two pregnancies (for no baby) and my body doesn’t know whether it is coming or going and my usual fitness levels have gone out of the window!

    So I am doing something similar to you – I have committed to MOVING, in some way shape or form every single day in October (and have encouraged my peeps at to do the same) … and I am also considering taking on Sarah Wilson’s “i quit sugar” thing.

    But one thing at a time I reckon!

    Looking forward to following your journey with this one!


    • Caz

      Slowly slowly. I haven’t heard of the quit sugar thing but I reckon it sounds good. I am definitely going to try and do that more. I now put honey in my coffee instead and use only raw sugar at home or if it is available when I am out


  • A Cajun Down Under

    Good for you! I’m on a health kick at the moment too. I find it hard to get out of bed for the workouts, but I get them in one way or another. So far so good. I just hope it sticks this time. I’m tired of the yoyo.


    • Caz

      The yo yo is very annoying. i am finding it hard to get my butt out of gear, so i’m doing evening work outs which is working well for me…. so far


  • Selin

    You are one hot mama!!!!!! I just had gastric surgery but im hoping to improve my health this year. I would love to join you but first have to past this Op diets im following, but 30 minutes walking 4 times a week looks like something I’d be in for.


    • Caz

      Do the walking. I actually find it is the best way for me to lose weight and stay in shape. I used to walk for about an hour to an hour and a half every day and I was lean and fit- the best. I couldn’t get the same results if I went to the gym or ran every day.
      Good luck with your recovery That is the most important thing for you right now


  • Andrea

    When we finish our full-time travels I plan to lose a few kilos myself by exercising more and eating more vegetables and non-“on-the-road” foods as well. I imagine they will fall right off just returning to not eating in restaurants most of the time. As we want to try for a baby next year, I’ll be giving up alcohol as well. John will be joining me, haha


    • Caz

      Giving up the alcohol is hard- much harder than you think. But it is worth it. I think it should be mandatory for all men to give it up as well. It’s funny but travel tends to strip the weight of me, another reason I am so keen to hit the road again. although with two kids I won’t be hiking as much


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