Highlights from the Problogger Training Day Event in Melbourne
We have just gotten back from an amazing time in Melbourne at the Problogger training day event staying at the Novotel on Collins St.
Craig and I have always enjoyed going to conferences around the world and learning from those who are where we want to be. It is an essential part of the path to success.
Not only is the learning great, but the networking with other like minded people is always a highlight. This event did not let us down, we met and had fun with so many incredible people. I just love this community.
Darren Rowse is the man behind Problogger, one of the biggest blogs in the world and one that we admire greatly.
We always had secret dreams to one day be able to speak at conference events like these, not ever really knowing what we would talk about. Life is so funny as to where it takes you.
We were super super stoked to have the opportunity to share our blogging journey through an interview with Darren at the event. Even though we were so nervous we had a lot of fun. And we are excited to be doing it again next week in New Zealand at the Australian Travel Writers Conference. Hopefully we won’t be as nervous this time.
Highlights from the Problogger Training Event
I spent a majority of the time coming in and out of sessions to feed Savannah (who was an angel) so missed a fair bit.
Thank goodness or the #pbevent twitter stream which kept me up-to-date outside.
- The amazing community of people who were so kind and loving towards our baby girl Savannah. We can’t tell you how much we love and appreciate this. Love is so vital for babies to thrive and I’m sure she was wrapped up in a lot of it during the day. Many thanks to Denyse Whelan who helped look after her while we were on stage and to Zoey from Good Googs who lent me a hug a bub as I left mine at home. Her daughter has the most gorgeous smile.
- Darren’s keynote speech on how to be successful with blogging. It is all about blogging from the heart and blogging smart. Your writing has to come from passion, but you also need a strategy. Darren is an engaging speaker and very witty. He gave me lots of little giggles throughout the day.
- I loved seeing Lady Melbourne’s Media Kit and hearing her talk on advertising. She is making a stand for her voice and value, which is inspiring to us all. She made me think more about how to incorporate giveaways on our blog as well as how to price my value better.
- Tim Ferris surprise appearance. How cool was that? Tim Ferriss popped by to talk to us a little about blogging and his success. His tips: “Define what success means to you, write a post so that it has more value in two years time, and the best way to learn from those who are experts is to buy them a few drinks and get to know each other on a more personal level first”- I like it!
- I was disappointed to miss Nicole Avery’s from Planning with Kids presentation on productivity. I so admire her organizational skills and her boundless energy. She is an inspiration. Luckily, Craig covered it and learned some much needed tips.
- I also enjoyed hearing some of the talk on where your blog can take you. It is always great to hear what others are doing for inspiration and ideas as to what you can do. Seems as if The Circle is the place to be- I wonder if they would love travel bloggers to share some space on the couch.’
- Chatting with David from Nuffnang, learning more about what they do and talking of our shared love for Africa, particularly Cape Town where he is going soon and making me very jealous.
- Meeting in person Annabel from Get in the Hot Spot and Lisa Wood from New Life on the Road, and Nicole from Bitten by the Travel Bug friends of ours from our travel blogging community and speaking to Dylan Lowe from The travelling Editor over skype! Can’t wait for those shots when we arrive in London.
- Something that will always be a highlight for us- the networking drinks. We met so many cool people and had some great conversations. I’ve found a ton of new blogs to follow.
- Of course outside of the event there was meeting with our online travel blogging friends David Dean from What’s Dave Doing? and Colin from Vagabond Family for lunch and a couple of drinks at a small restaurant on Degraves St (love) IT is always so great to hang out with fellow travellers, you always feel like you are sitting chatting with friends you’ve known or years

With Dave and Colin
- Speaking of which, catching up with a friend we have known for years for coffee.
- Enjoying a delicious Italian meal with Lina Nguyen, our friend and blogger’s agent.
- Just quietly, how comfortable were those King Sized beds at the Novotel? It was seriously tempting me to forget the whole problogger event and stay starfish on there all day!
As always we are sad when events like this finish, but excited to have made new friends and walked out with new ideas.
Many thanks to Darren, the speakers and his team for making it an excellent event. I look forward to many more.
Darren Rowse
thanks for the write up Caz – it was great to meet you and have you involved in the day! Glad you had a worthwhile day!
So great to meet you Darren, and thank you so much once again! I think everyone had such a great time
Lisa Wood
Oh wow – you have capture the day perfectly 🙂 It was such a great event, and I was so happy to meet you and family…thank you so much for your gorgeous baby (hug) and for the great connection. You guys are so inspiring, and I loved listening to your story on stage…you did such a great job 🙂
It was so great to meet you in person Lisa! you have such a gentle and happy spirit!
Lovely to see you again Caz and meet Craig and Savannah for the first time. You are such a lovely family. Wishing you great success in NZ.
Thanks Nicole- so great to see you as always. Have a great time at Blog World. Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Christina @ Hair Romance
great roundup of the day. I really enjoyed hearing your and Craig speak and I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to speak to you in person.
Thanks Christina! I really enjoyed hearing you speak as well. It is amazing what we can do with blogging and passion. I never would have thought someone could blog about hair and do an AMAZING job with it and be Successful. I now know who to turn to for advice.
One day, I too will get a photo with Darren. Unless, of course, I am travelling across South America…..
Great recap!
Hello Caz,
Gosh it was the best to meet you and Craig on the weekend.
They say timing is everything in life and I had the best time too.
I couldn’t have said it better myself of your content in your post – it summed it up superbly.
I know the path to success is a continuing one for you both and you are in inspiration to many – you captured the room so well
have a great day lovely bloggy friends
loulou, from hereiamloulou blog
So great to meet you Lou Lou!! We had fun chatting to you
Super bummed that I didn’t get to catch up with you two (well, three!) in Melbs and that I missed out on Problogger–I followed the Twitter stream and it seemed like it was a very worthwhile event. Glad you enjoyed yourselves! (Also, Tim Ferriss-JEALOUS!)
It really was, you will have to try and get to the next one. We love Melbourne!!