How I want 2014 to be awesome

The only thing I wish for at the start of every new year is that it is better than the last. That’s in keeping with my idea of evolution- we’re…

Happy 2013: what is your focus?

Wahoo! We’ve made it alive into the era that apparently was not on the Mayan calendars! It’s a new period of joy, happiness and peace. I can feel it already,…

When a Dream Comes True

This morning we found out one of our dreams or goals came to fruition. And I want to throw up. I can’t focus on anything, my nerves are frayed and…

Lessons From Not Winning

I found out this evening that I did not make the Top 5 bloggers for the Kidspot Top 50 Bloggers competition. I know. Stop crying. Congratulations to the wonderful women…