Stepping up to the dream to road trip around Oz

Let’s make it happen
We’ve had this ultimate vision for sometime.
Taking off with the kids and travelling around Australia for at least a year. Something quite unsurprising happened in the two and a half years since we moved back to Australia.
We fell in love with it.
Australia is such a unique, diverse and stunning country. The food and wine is superb, the climate varied, yet pretty good and the people fab.
I’ve spent far too much of my life exploring the rest of the world and running away from Australia. Now I just want to stay.
When you have a plan as big as ours you often get stuck trying to make it happen. Australia is not bloody cheap. So many Aussies flock to international borders because they feel they get better value for money, and you can, but there are plenty of ways you can experience Australia on the cheap.
But, it still doesn’t get you over the hurdle of making it happen.
The challenges arise and you sit and wait– you know for the fairy to come and sprinkle some luck.
The fairy doesn’t come when you wait though, it comes when you spring into action.
After the past few months of craziness and myself struggling with some health challenges, I said F##k it. What am I waiting for? I’m tired of operating from neutral and not making every day count. The days are much shorter than we ever really notice.
So we sprang into action. Our dream, let’s make it happen.
Let’s take off around Australia and showcase this beautiful country and help people see that travel in Oz is possible and is worthwhile.
It’s scary making a commitment like that and not knowing how you are ever going to make it a reality.
But, you really don’t have to know how. You just have to be committed, passionate and dedicated to serving.
It has to be about the greater value you can bring rather than what you can get.
When you switch your thinking, miracles begin to occur. The Universe starts to move things around to align with your greater vision.
As soon as we sprang into action, doors began opening that we didn’t even know were there–with no effort on our behalf.
Our road trip around Oz is looking more like a reality every day. No our road trip around Oz is a reality.
No more waiting. Let the planning and the magic begin.
How do you spring into action to make your dreams a reality? Let's share some tips below
Kiera @easytravelmom
It’s funny, I’ve seen more of other countries too than my own. Now that I’m staying in the US for a bit (also due to health reasons!) we are exploring our own backyard in Ohio and around the US. I look forward to reading your tales of Oz as I loved it when I was there a few years ago! Still have friends there from some of my very first travels 18 years ago (yikes!) (and new friends like you guys too!).
Caz Makepeace
We can’t wait to share it with you Kiera! The US is a beautiful backyard to explore too. We are intending on road tripping there after our US one.
Fantastic news. It’s something I thought about doing 20 years ago and never did, although I travelled overseas. One day Australia, one day! Can’t wait to hear more.
Caz Makepeace
Thanks Jen! We’ll be sharing lots over on our travel blog. We always had our sights on overseas too, time to look inward
Great news 🙂 I was always encouraged to go overseas and while I love that and the lessons it taught, I wonder why I haven’t seen more of Australia.
Caz Makepeace
We are super excited Vanessa. We have such an amazing country. It has only taken me 37 years to make an effort to see more of it!!