
When Kalyra was born an unrecognisable fear washed over me that she would be taken from me. I think this is something all parents become paranoid and fearful about. The love you…

Empowering Quotes and Phrases

A comment from Martine at the Modern Parent on my If you Don’t laugh You Cry post had me thinking about all the empowering quotes and phrases I have attached…

If You Don’t Laugh You Cry

I’m lying on the couch with a cushion over my head, trying to shut the world out, count to 10 and reduce the urge to throw everything in my vicinity out…

Kalyra loves Coffee Shops

“I want to go to the coffee shop!” Kalyra requests this quite often. It’s not a request you would often hear from a three year old’s mouth too often, but…

Do you Believe in Omens?

If you haven’t already noticed I am a bit of a woo woo type thinker. I do love the metaphysical part to life and the magic we can create when…

Turning a Bad Day into Good

My anniversary day. A day of celebrating the highlights of a nine year marriage, and after I woke up the day just started heading downhill. I slept in and missed…