I love being a Travel Blogger

Travel Blogging is a lot of hard work. It looks glamourous from the outside, and sometimes it really is, but most of the time, it is long hours for little reward. But, I absolutely love being a travel blogger.

Travel is and has always been my passion in life. My dream job in life was to travel the world and earn money for it. I never thought in a million years I could actually find the perfect job that allowed me to do that, let alone create it myself.

Craig and I have been travel blogging for a year now and I think have had really great success purely through our passion for it and our determination to make this dream of ours work. Each day keeps getting better and better.

I love being a travel blogger

I love being a travel blogger

And while we are not making a lot of money from it…  yet, we are certainly building a platform that is opening up a lot of doors for us.

It has certainly made the sacrifice of sleep, the investment of time and money, and the stretching way outside our comfort zones worthwhile.

I’ve just returned from an amazing Media Launch of the new Qantas Great Crusade campaign— “The ultimate fan supporters tour” of New Zealand. An international competition, where by the winners get to tour New Zealand in convoy of 25 campervans, following the World cup Rugby games and enjoying the beautiful sights and expereinces on offer in New Zealand.

Travel blogging

Come Fly With Me

We got to sit in the cockpit of a new Qantas jet, drive one of the campervans live on The Today Show, chat with an ex-wallaby great Matt Bourke and current Wallaby players Berrick Barnes and Rob Horne. (If you look closely in the following Qantas promo video you will see us cuddling these two Wallaby players.)

This was all done in the name of  my personal business, something I created. I can have all these privelged media experiences without an editors strict demands or timelines. I have the freedom to write what I want in any expressive form that I like. I just love it!!

April was a super travel bloggging month for us and each day I’m falling more and more in love with being a travel blogger and now mummy blogger. We had media passes to the Easter Show, Byron Bay Bluesfest, and were hosted by Gold Coast Tourism at our favourite spot Coolangatta and were able to take Kalyra to Dreamworld.

I hope you can see this  less as bragging, but more as sheer gratitude and excitement to be living our passion and hopefully inspiring you to realize that if we can do it so can you!

One of my favourite empowering quotes

If they can do it then why not me?

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  • Christy @ Ordinary Traveler

    I’m happy to hear you guys are having a great time with travel blogging and beginning to see some rewards for all of your hard work. Scott and I feel like things are starting to fall into place and doors are opening for us as well. We have a long road ahead though and lots more work, but like you said, it’s enjoyable work and something that we are passionate about. I find myself saying that very same thing to myself quite often, “I love being a travel blogger!” 🙂


    • Caz

      Keep on moving forward Christy. There are still days when I wake up and just want to return to the comfy couch and toss it in, but then something will come along to remind me this is what I love to do so have to stick by it. The only way you can ever fail is if you quit. I’m glad things are working out for you guys too, you totally deserve it!


  • Kelly

    Good post Caz and I’m glad you’re liking being a blogger… you’re a great one!


    • Caz

      Thanks Kelly. How are you recovering from your trip to Thailand. Miss it yet? 🙂


  • jamie - cloud people adventures

    you guys are dominating, and im sure it will continue!
    the blues fest experience would have been worth it all alone.
    go wallabies!


    • Caz

      Who do you want to be? A wallaby! Let’s hope we get our game on by the time it rolls around. Thanks for your support guys, we really appreciate it!


  • Sophie | Sophie's World

    It is fun being a travel blogger (and travel with kids-blogger), isn’t it… And you guys have come a long way in a short time. Congrats 🙂


    • Caz

      It is really great doing it with kids. They get a kick out of it as well I think.


  • The Travel Chica

    It’s great that you’ve been able to find something you love and can make a living doing it. It’s an inspiration for us newbies.

    P.S. Love the photos of you guys chilling with a beer and your laptops.


    • Caz

      We love that photo too. That is what we call work and is why we work so hard to achieve that dream! Just remember if we can do it so can you!


  • John in France

    Great stuff! Keep up the good work and who know where it will take you! As for the Aussie campervan army travelling around NZ, that sounds a great idea where a lot of fun will be 110% assured!


    • Caz

      The campervan tour sounds like lots of fun. It will be great for New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand are behind it. The campervans will start in Christchurch and they are going to do some sort of a fundraising event while there.


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