Magical Monday Meme Linky

Mojito Mother is all about putting the mojo, or magic, back into your life.

This year I have been really focused on the mojo and I have been learning some new tricks on how to make the magic work. If you subscribe to my posts then you will be able to follow along with what I am learning and how the magic is appearing.

I have decided to start a new Magical Monday Meme Linky. I have not done anything like this before and really hope I know what I am doing.

I’m not about perfecting things before I start, I am about 1…2… 3… jump and correcting them as I learn.

So the purpose of my Magical Monday Meme linky is this:

I believe that life is not, nor was ever intended to be difficult.

I believe that we came here with a purpose and because we want to experience the fullness of life, or the human expression of our formless self.

I believe life becomes sad and painful only because we have lost touch with who we are in essence. We are disconnected from our source and the magic.

From watching my baby and learning from some great teachers lately I have really come to believe that we can create our life and it really is easy, if we can just get in touch with the magic. This magic that lives in each of us.

In order to do that we need to become aware of the magic in our life, no matter how small it may be. It’s those seemingly co-incidental occurrences and chance encounters.

Magical mojo Mondays

Magical Mondays

This Magical Monday Meme link is not about fobbing them off as pure co-incidence or luck. It is about celebrating the magic. The more we see it the more we can tap into it.

So each Monday I invite you to write about the Magic that has happened in your life for the week and then link up to it here. Remember it doesn’t have to be big things. Pay attention to the small and it will grow to be big.

I am not really sure how I grow a linky meme, but I believe this will grow. I believe this is really powerful and I’d love to get so many of you involved and sharing. The more we celebrate the magic the more there will be of it.

Imagine what your life will be like if you can tap into the magic and create whatever you want.

So to kick-start it this week, I am going to write about some ultra-cool synchronistic events that happened to me since the start of this year (from here on end we’ll do a weekly one)

Travel Writing course

One of my goals for the year was to improve my writing. I let everyone know about it and asked around if anyone could recommend a course to me.

I also began doing my own research and was checking out Sydney Writers Centre. I knew they were really established and credible and was keen to do a course with them. I thought I would talk to Lina more about it tomorrow and closed my browser.

Lina called me later that afternoon with an opportunity that included doing the travel writing course I had just been looking at.

Thailand Trip

I have been longing to return to Thailand since 2006 but no opportunities have arrived. I was completing an interview for another travel blog and was describing Thailand as the one place I could live and why. I really felt how much I loved it there and the joy.

The next day I had an email from Thai Tourism inviting me on a press trip to go to Thailand for a week.

But, I was slightly devastated as I thought I would not be able to make it. I had further tests to undergo and important consultations with my head surgeon that had not been scheduled yet and would have been at the same time as the trip, and I was on a time limit to get back to them with answer.

The trip was from the 22nd Feb to the 29th. LAter that afternoon I received confirmation of my appointments. The 21st Feb and the 1st March. I got Docs approval to travel and got my “HELL yeah!” answer back just in time.

The Phone number Appears

I had to make an urgent phone call to the head surgeon who recently operated on me. There was no answer at his office and fearing he was closed for the day, I had to come up with an alternate plan to contact him.

I knew who to call in order to do this, but could not find their number anywhere. They had only called me the day before, but their number was private so I could not return the call. As I was scrounging around, this person phoned me to check in on me.

“Oh wow. I’m so glad you called, I was just looking for your number.”

Family Travel Magazine

I was looking for a magazine to pitch an article for our upcoming cruise in Hawaii. I wanted a magazine that was focused on family travel. I couldn’t quite think of any. We were visiting with Craig’s sister’s family who were staying at the local caravan park. Craig went to the shop and I asked if he could pick me up a magazine for me to research. I couldn’t really tell him which magazine as I had no idea. So I just said maybe a parenting mag or anything you find that would be suitable.

While he was gone, my sis-in -aw handed me a mag and said, “I picked this up from the office this morning, it is pretty good. It’s all about holidays with family. You might want to have a look.” She had no idea of what my plans were.

I sat down and looked at it and knew I had found exactly what I had been looking for. Now I feel really confident to pitch to them


There you have it folks, the magic is alive and well and it is bloody beautiful.

Please pay attention to how the magic is working for you.

Write about it and share your link below.

Don’t think that anything is too small. If it is magic, it is magic. Write about it, celebrate it, and own it. You will only attract more for yourself and those around you.

Make it a Monday habit. I’ll be here with my linky love tool and I’ll come read all your posts and celebrate with you. You may have a post that you have already written that fits into the theme, go ahead and link to that.

Put the Mojo back into your life.

Magical Monday Meme Rules

I guess we gotta have rules for this sort of thing

1. You will have a week from one Monday to the next to link to your post.

2. You can call your post what you like as long as it talks about magic in your life link to it here.

3. I will have a badge by next week (fingers crossed) so you can put it on your site if that is what you wish to do. (I think this is how you do these meme linky things) I’m still trying to learn photoshop so bear with my brain.

4. It would be wonderful if you could visit some of the links below and leave insightful, positive comments. It’s a great way to connect with likeminded people. The more you see the magic in others lives the more you’ll see it in your own.

5. Share the Magical Monday Meme (well not really a rule, but love spreading the positive vibe.)


Go on then, start linking

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  • Kelly Exeter

    I love this Caz – I will keep an eye out for the magic in my life this week and hopefully have something for next Monday!!


    • Caz

      Awesome! Thanks so much for wanting to participate Kelly. So happy to have you!


  • Nicky Singh

    Hi Caz, when I was living in Australia I always seemed to put a lot of thought in energy into something I wanted to do, see, or obtain and funny enough it always appeared. I have stopped doing that since I have been living in India, so I’m going to start it again.

    Thanks so much for reminding me of how powerful our minds can be when we are focused and passionate about our life!

    Nicky Singh.


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