A penthouse baby shower

I was bitterly disappointed when the baby shower ended. Not just because I had a really good time celebrating the upcoming birth of my sister in-laws first daughter, but because…

It was All the Bourbon’s Fault

“Craig, can you come downstairs and open the door,” I co-conspiratorially whispered into the phone. Except, I don’t remember doing this, he told me about our conversation the next day. I was whispering,…

Soul Cake Baby Shower

Yesterday, I had my baby shower. I wasn’t going to have one, but Craig convinced me that I should. I’m glad I did. I wanted something small, relaxed and easy.…

Why I Hate Christmas in July

If anyone reads my travel blog then you would know that I am someone who questions everything. With that questioning and discovering the world around me there were certain cultural…

Mother’s Day for Me

My unorthodox life travelling the world has given me the opportunity to learn about the traditions and way of life for many other cultures. In doing this I have been…

A day at the Royal Easter Show

The Royal Easter Show is held each year over the Easter school holidays in Sydney. It is Australia’s largest agricultural event attracting thousands of visitors each day and contributing millions…

The Autumn Air is Here

The air changed this week and with it brought Autumn, or Fall, as my honorary American self would call it. The blue sky signalling the promise of a warm Autumn…