Welcome to the new Mojito Mother: Inspiration, Empowerment, Magic

I battled over it for months.

My new tag line.

A tag line is important to your blog, sometimes even more so than your name. You name can be short and punchy and make a statement, but it is the tag line that sums up what your mojo is about.

I’m not one for pushing anymore. You know that frantic, desperate state where you gotta know the answers so you grasp at anything just so you can get them.

Futile and dangerous. Now I sit and wait and trust they’ll come.

I threw the questions out, I did a little probing and research–because let’s face it the brain is great at that- and then I allowed it to sit with my heart and soul.

For weeks and months.

It came at the right time, when I was unable to put much effort into this site. See how the Universe works to help you? My Mojito Mother energy for the past 8 months has been given to my health, so I’ve faltered on here a bit and will still be slow for awhile.

There were delays on my new website design, but I didn’t care, because the tag-line – the heart and soul- was still sorting itself out.

When I finally got my tag line, she arrived with the design, and the elements spoke the Mojito Mother truth.

That’s the power of sitting with your thoughts and questions and allowing the truth to bubble on up. It may take longer than you hoped, but at least you know when it arrives it’s truth. WIN.

So let’s get down to it.

My truth

My tag line.

My heart and soul.

I’m trying to help people change their lives from within. I sat with my Naet therapist recently while she realigned my energy to help rid me of my Vitamin C allergy. She spoke these words of truth to me.

“Caroline, I am just here to help you. It is you that is doing all the healing. I’m just helping you. Everything is always up to you.”


Empowerment and magic quote

Empowerment is the key to living a balanced and peaceful life.

YOU are in control and you create what your life looks like by what you feel, how you think, and how you act.  You set your destiny. You create your failures and your lessons.

Well maybe not completely. The only other entity contributing to that is the Universe, or your higher purpose. We all came here with a very important task only we can do to make the world a better place. It’s not something delegated to the Angelina Jolie’s of the world, and doesn’t have to be massive.

Everything we do has an impact, and often the single best thing we can do is make another person smile and feel valuable.


Magic quotes

The magic of the Universe often gives me goosies and makes me cry. Sometimes it completely blows my flipping mind, and other times I get as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve.

You have to believe in the magic, otherwise what else is there?

The more you believe in the magic, the more you see it–even in the simple things– and then the more it happens in your life. You see how everything is connected and bringing you to the perfect place.

The magic helps me to stay focused, to trust, and to believe that I’m always supported and floating in the right direction. All I have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

No matter if your life is good or bad, it is perfect. If it is bad, you’ll move out of it, how fast is up to you? The only reason the Universe deliver you crap, is to get you back to your path of purpose.


Inspiration quote

You will notice the magic the more empowered you become. You become empowered through inspiration. It is only through inspiration that we move off the couch from complacency to our natural state of being: striving towards growth.

We all need to be growing and changing, this is life’s natural state. But it is hard to move a parked car, until you turn it on and fire it up with petrol.

Welcome to my new Mojito Mother site


Inspiration. Empowerment. Magic

Inspiration fuels empowerment. Empowerment creates magic. Magic creates the life you really love.

From now on, the majority of my posts will be representing these three topics. I’ll be sharing tips, stories, wisdom, and things that inspire you to grow and feel good.

I’ll be sharing the magic of my life and ways to empower yourself so that no matter the shit that arrives, you can handle it and turn it into positives.

Optimism quotes

How to get around the new site

There are still a few creases, so bear with us while we iron them out. You can see my lovely sign up box at the top for my email series. Go pop your name in that now. I’ll wait for you to come back.

Love the new logo?

Mojito Mother

See those mint leaves dancing around the M? Not only do they go well in a mojito, but they represent the Makepeace team- my fam of four. Cool hey?

You can see a cool graphic of us in the side bar. Click each head to learn more. Love those photos of my girls. Hubby is not too bad either.

Where to find my best content

I’ve made it easier to find my best stuff.

My Start Here page showcases my best posts on various topics, giving a general overview of what I am about.

Then on the homepage and side bar you’ll find these beautiful images. If you click on each one it will take you to a page that showcases my best posts for Inspiration, Empowerment, and Magic.


Click to read my best posts on Empowerment


Click to read my best inspiration posts


Click to read the best of Magic


In my footer, you’ll find an inspiring quote. I’ll be regularly changing this. For now check out how Jenny created a beautiful design for my quotes within a post:

Real optimism is aware of problems, but recognizes solutions; knows about difficulties, but believes they can be overcome; sees the negatives, but accentuates the positives; is exposed to the worst, but expects the best: has reason to complain, but chooses to smile.
– William Arthur Ward

She’s created the same for my question call out at the end of a post. This is when I want you to share your thoughts and ideas. Look below. And look how pretty the comment section is. Don’t let it sit there lonely, fill up the beauty!


Your Turn to Share Tips:

Tell me what you think? Do you like the new site and the new message?

posted in: Blogging, Daily living, Empowerment, Inspiration, Magic
tagged with: , ,

  • Nikki @ Styling You

    ‘Tis the season for makeovers … love this Caz. It’s the new you and it ties in beautifully with yTravel x


  • Jenny

    IT’S ALIVE!!!!

    Stoked to have worked with you on this. : )


    • Caz Makepeace

      Love ya work Jenny!! Looking forward to the many projects coming ahead!


  • Johanna

    Adore the makeover, Caz. As Nikki says, ‘It’s the new You!” but it’s still You. I think that you and your designer have worked brilliantly together to create something fresh, bright and easy to navigate. Love it. Love the message of MM too 🙂 x


    • Caz Makepeace

      Thank you Johanna! It’s been a great and easy project.


  • Nic @ Mummy Comes First

    I absolutely love the new look – so fresh and really nails the spirit of your blog Caz. Well done – the blog has come so far in the last 3 years. Really awesome xx


  • Martine@themodernparent

    Love the new look and especially the tag line. Thankyou for the inspiration to think about changing my own! X


  • naomi

    Gorgeous! Reflects everything that you spoke about … Jenny nailed it and you rocked it to begin with!


  • kirri White

    Wow – it’s popping Caz! The new tagline, all the white space and a much more fun way to navigate your content. Beautiful job x


    • Caz Makepeace

      Thanks Kirri. It’s so much better. I hated the old site.


  • Kathy

    Love the new site and your new mantra. I’m looking to do a new design at some stage soon (and get off my own amateur wordpress design), so I’ll be in touch with you if that’s OK. Love the Arthur Ward quote – it is so very yin yang.


  • Laney Galligan

    The site is gorgeous Caz. Well done to you and your designer, Jenny. You’ve found the direction you’ve been seeking for so long, and it shows. Very exciting.


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