My Gratitude and Happiness this week
Yibba Yabba Mama– my best friend from Uni starts a blog
Val and I made an unlikely pair at Uni. I was nearly 6 foot and she was just under 5. But our size discrepancy did not interrupt a good friendship. We have many fun memories from our University days. Val is the smartest person I know. She’s also an exceptional teacher and a beautiful mother. I always felt she’d be great at blogging but never pushed her on it. So I was stoked when a Facebook notification popped up the other day to say she’d entered this realm!
She’s also been a awesome supporter of what I’ve done in this space for the past 3 years. So please welcome my friend Val and her blog Yibba Yabba Mama and facebook. She’s really cool so connect with her now and find out all she has to share.
Live Aspire Blog Event
Today I attended the Live Aspire Blog event in Sydney. Founded by Ursula from and Jessica from, Live Aspire Blog is a networking event for Sydney female bloggers and entrepreneurs, or those aspiring to be. Each month they have guest speakers and this week my friend Christina from Hair Romance was sharing her blogging journey and wisdom so I went along.
I had a great time, met some awesome new women rocking it in their spaces and heard some nuggets of wisdom from Christina and Meredith Young, co-founder of the travel-inspired handbag company Young the Label.
Young the Label handbags
And then after it we had a lovely lunch in Surry Hills with Christina, her husband, Jim, Craig and the girls. Great day.
Kalyra loves Christina!
y Travel Blog growth
So excited by the growth y travel blog has been having this past month. The increased traffic is great, but what excites me more are the connections I am making with those who are intent on making more room in their life for travel. They are sharing their stories with me and excited about the life they now believe can be a reality.
These are the stories that keep me from quitting. I love travel so much and I love that my life is now dedicated to helping people have more of that in their lives. It just effing rocks my socks!
And a small win is that finally, after 3 years of working it hard, Google is giving us some search loving. I was so stoked to discover this yesterday
Delicious Home Cooking by Valli Little

Simple and delicious seasonal based recipes

Divine eggplant and chick pea curry
This cookbook was in our bag of goodies from the Kidspot Voices launch last weekend.
I have made two recipes from this book so far and I LOVE it. Both were incredibly simple, quick and bursting with flavour. I am so blown away by it. And I love that it is split into seasonal cooking because I have been learning a lot lately about the importance of eating seasonal food. It’s what our body needs with each change.
FIR Infra red sauna
A new experience for me this week was a FIR Infra red sauna. I can’t really explain what it does, I just know it is really good for you and I was glowing after it. It’s going to be my new monthly treat I think! You can read more about it here. I currently love Boda in Mossman and have been working with Aaron for the past 3 weeks in sorting out a few health issues. He’s been awesome. I’ll dedicate a whole blog post to it soon.
Song of the week: Get lucky by Daft Punk
Another groovy song for you this week.
What I’m reading
Gluten free banana bread from Nic at Planning with Kids I cannot wait to make this as we love banana bread
A glamping road trip by Sarah Wilson Now on the bucket list
This one is for the haters by Kirri White. Can’t believe anyone would hate on my friend Kirri for starters. It’s all about choosing your attitude
Let me help you celebrate. What's been great for you this past week?
Well done on your listing with YTravel blog, Caz. That’s fantastic! Seems like you’ve had a busy time with lots of fun and interesting things to do, but still manage to work really really hard.
kirri White
Thanks for the sweet mention Caz.
I’m finding it difficult to move past the handbags though….they most def look like a bit of me!
I’m also rocking the latest Daft Punk and learning about the importance of eating seasonal – it totally makes sense doesn’t it?
Can’t wait to see you in September at Problogger. Expect a big squishy hug xx
Wow! Here I am going back through all my fav posts and blogs…and I come across this…I was going to write ..I am grateful to have a cool cazza Bazza in my life….and now this….my cheeks are flushed with every emotion! Thank you for the shout out! You are one cool yibba Yabba mama… Xxx
Live Aspire Blog sounded great Caz. Thanks for including my recipe.
Congrats on your yTravelBlog growth too – so well deserved.
Caz Makepeace
Thanks Nic! You’d love Live Aspire Blog, you’d be a great speaker there. Such an intimate event. I learned some great little nuggets.