Buying a cruising wardrobe from BIG W

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Savannah needed some spring clothes for our cruise to the Pacific Island. We don’t really have hand me downs from Kalyra because at this age, we were living in the States which has opposite seasons.

What a bummer!

So far we haven’t had to buy many clothes for Savannah which has been easy on our wallets and we want it to stay that way.

We have bought clothes before for the girls at BIG W and have been happy with the quality and price. We headed off the morning of our sailing and brought a really cool range for Savannah.

I love how colourful and bright the clothes are and how practical for hard wearing as well.

We only had about 20 mins to buy the clothes else we were going to miss the boat. One great thing about returning to the same store to shop is you always know where everything is. I didn’t have to waste time hunting down the kiddies section.

All the clothes for Savannah’s age group were in the one small section so I could easily whip around and pick out the clothes that I liked. They were easy to find and the bright colours jumped out at me straight away. I also had Kalyra on hand who loves dressing her sister and picked out a beautiful pink dress for her, perfect for those dinners that require a little bit of a spruced up look.

I was able to buy a variety of clothes to suit our needs: smart casual, romp around play, sleepwear and pretty dresses! And Savannah’s new pretty spring wardrobe came in under $100. Perfect!

big w clothes for toddlers

Savannah’s BIG W cruising range

  • A pink terry coverall suit for night time: $4.74
  • A printed tee: $4.48
  • Two pairs of bamboo shorts: I love these. They are so sweet and light material $6.87
  • Two romper suits perfect for rough play with sister Kalyra: $4 each
  • One pair of leggings: $4.48 each
  • 1 Skirt: 4: $4.48
  • Two pairs of normal shirts : $3
  • Two sleeveless tops: $3
  • Pink hat: $4.94
  • Broderie dress: $17.88

Total: $74.74

I couldn’t help but buy a few things for Kalyra while there:

BIG W clothes for toddlers

  • Two striped T-shirts: $7.96 each
  • Striped jumpsuit: $14.88
  • Weave thongs: $14.98
  • Print thongs: $3.24
  • Pair of shorts: $7.96

Total: $56.98

So far Savannah has loved wearing her Big W clothes. The first outfit she looked so good she became Captain of the ship.

Savannah in Big W clothes


Captain Savannah



Captain savannah

Hoist the sails!



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  • Ellie

    Love those little leather sandaly shoes. I would wear them myself.

    I would love love love if you could do a post or suss out how families of 5 or 6 would cruise. Room sizes etc. It seems that most holiday desitinations really cater for a family of 4 and that larger families are ‘penalised’ for having that extra kid ;-p.


    • Caz Makepeace

      Oh yes Ellie! We were just talking about that with friends tonight. Having more than two children does increase the costs of crusing HOWEVER both Pacific Dawn and Carnival Spirit that we have sailed on recently have interconnecting cabins which help to reduce the costs. You could fit a family of six in these cabins. What’s good about cruising is that all your food and entertainment is included which helps reduce other travel costs.


  • Danimezza

    oh my gosh, SO cute… I want some of Kalyra’s outfits 😉


    • Caz Makepeace

      I so wish they made their clothes in adult size- they are just tooo cute!


    • Caz Makepeace

      Thanks Melissa! I love the colours too- very happy colours


  • Laney @ Crash Test Mummy

    You’re so lucky that you have the nice warm weather for the girls to wear their outfits! We’re off to the zoo tomorrow and I’m worried if it will be warm enough! That’s Melbourne for you though 😉


    • Caz Makepeace

      The weather is gorgeous here! We are off to the zoo tomorro and am hoping the sun continues to shine


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