Giving up the Scheduling for the Flow
I’m giving up on scheduling things. I’ve struggled with it for far too long.
This need to be scheduled and routine.
Other people do it and it works. Life seems to run smoothly, so I attempt to be the same way.
I create ideas that I am going to do every week, like my Things I Love post and the Magical Monday Meme.
But, sooner or later it all falls apart.
I just can’t do it.
I’m giving in; I’m resigning myself to the fact that I am just not a routine person. I’m going to stop the struggle.
My life is too ad hoc. One minute I’m here the next I am called to spend a week in Sydney or in Thailand.
And so there goes my scheduled weekly posts.
The very act of scheduling something sheds its shine for me and I get bored and lose MOMENTUM.
I get so BORED because I hate things being the same.
The monotony of it feels like I am not growing or living.
I’m a flow person, because this is the only place life can be found; in the moment. It can’t be scheduled or compartmentalized. We do this we stop the flow.
So there. I’ve said it. It’s just the way I am.
It’s why I have never been able to hold down full time work. I’ve always run screaming from it in favour of the more temporary positions. That way I have a back door if I want to do something new. If I decide a move to Thailand is in order then I can do it.
Some might call it irresponsible or Peter Pan living but I just call it living in the flow.
I am sorry dear readers; you won’t get a lot of structure and stability from me.
But, you will get flow, you will get relevance, you will get evolution and you will get content delivered to you fresh from the present moment.
And that is about the best I can do.
Are you a flow or scheduled person?
Kelly Exeter
Well you know me … I am a structure and routine person. But that is what works for me! I can definitely see how your life does not lend itself to structure Caz!!
My life is just too over the place. Must be a reflection of my mind!!!
Megan @ Writing Out Loud
I find my approach changes at different stages of my life. Sometimes I have to schedule things to make them happen, other times I feel fine about going along with whatever. I’m in the latter stage at the moment, and enjoying it. Worrying less, having more fun, and finding lots of joy in the unexpected things life brings.
I think when you don’t plan you are more opened to the unexpected surprises because you are just letting things happen and being open to them. When we have the structure we are just focused on that and so find it difficult to see anything else. The scheduling is good for some things though.
Sarah@Mum's gone 2 Aus
My tendency is to be scheduled and stick to a routine but increasingly; perhaps since having kids, running my own business and \ or relocating my family from the UK to Australia, I’ve learnt to make provisional schedules so that I have a backup plan but not to beat myself up if I divert from the schedule and go with the flow!
Back up plans are good. I think knowing that schedules and plans might not work and being okay with that is really important. I think the scheduling part can become disastrous when people fall apart when things don’t go to plan.