Have you Really Lived? Make Your Life a Story to Tell

I was watching a movie the other night which gave me much cause to think.

Actually I wasn’t watching it as I had about five other tasks going at the same time. It started out as background noise, but I was able to pick up enough to know that I loved it without even watching it.

A young boy spends time with his two uncles on a farm. I’m not sure why. His uncles have lived an extraordinary life and the young boy becomes addicted to their tales and begs to hear more as he learns of their adventures through Europe and Africa, fighting in World Wars and falling deeply in love.

The two brothers decided that life was meant to be lived on their terms and so they played full out.

It finished with the boy as an older man selling the farm and talking about his uncles.

Someone asked something to the effect of “Did they really live?”

His gaze turns to the past and the stories that they once share with him.

He smiled, “Yes, son. They really did live.”

Have you really lived?

Playing full out

One of the reasons I loved the movie Titanic so much was because of Rose. That old lady who we first meet in the beginning just seems to be a frail elder. You know the type. The ones that we ignore every day because they are old and we feel they can’t offer much.

Aren’t we stupid?  Imagine the stories and the magic of where they have been and what they have done and learned.

Throughout Titanic, Rose unravels the story of her life, an unbelievable love story that had every woman, probably men too, craving to have a Rose and Jack love story in their lives.

And it is not till the end that we see the real story of Rose’s life. The life that Jack inspired her to live- she travels the world, she flies planes, she lives her life to the fullest.

How are you being like Rose? How are you being like the Uncles in the movie? Are you playing full out? Are you making your life a story to tell?

You don’t have to do it for a movie or a book; you just have to do it for yourself and for those around you who will be impacted by you.

Forget the dishes, forget the mundane, the things you don’t really want to do, but feel you have to.

What is it you really want to do? What is the story that you want to be told about your life in 50 years?

Now is the time to start living that. Now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Now.

Make your life so that those who remain when you go smile fondly and say “Yes, she truly lived.”

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Share your stories with me now. What are you creating already and what do you want to create?

posted in: Daily Life
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  • Sarah@Mum's gone 2 Aus

    Thinking about how you’d tell your life story and what people would say about your life’s achievements is a great motivational tool. I’ve got a new web\ business venture I’d like to start this year but just need a little more courage to take the plunge, reading this makes me realise I’ve got to go for it. Great post, thank you.


    • Caz

      Awesome Sarah! You’ve got to live life with no regrets. Go for it


  • Christine

    One of my favorite ways to think about how I want to live is to live so that my biography would be a best-seller 🙂


    • Caz

      Nice one! I think you are doing a great job of that already Christine


  • Nicky Singh

    Hi Caz, I had a Greek grandmother that would share endless stories of her childhood with me. What stood out the most was the passion in her voice when she talked about her life as a child and the strong bond she had with her home country. That’s what I would like for myself and family, “passion”. Slowly we are creating the life that I always dreamed of, traveling and experiencing life instead of letting it overwhelm us.
    I loved you post, keep it up!

    Nicky Singh


    • Caz

      I think passion is the key to everything Nicky. And if you can pass off that enthusiasm to your children then you know you have lived well. There is so much to be passionate about, even the small things


  • Laney @ Crash Test Mummy

    I have to say that I’ve given life a pretty good go and have had lots of adventures all over the world. But this period of my life is a little more static, raising a young family. We are saddled with a ridiculous mortgage and it can keep you down. I guess I need to make more of an effort to find achievable adventures. Tomorrow we’re going climbing and camping at Mt Buffalo – that should be interesting!


    • Caz

      Wow! What a cool adventure. You can certainly have them while you are going through the family phase of your life. There is so much you can do in your local area and a lot that is free. I think you need to look at your life, no matter where you are, through the eyes of adventure and discovery. I think you are writing a pretty good story Laney!


  • Sabrina

    I think it’s a great motivation to ourselves, but also to remember that older people deserve our attention and curiosity. I’ve been working at a department store that caters mainly to mothers and grandmothers and so many love to stop and tell stories from their lives. It’s one of my favourite parts of my job and it reminds me to try and live life fully as well.


    • Caz

      Brilliant point Sabrina. I couldn’t agree more. Hhow often we just ignore those older than us when we should be stopping to hear their stories and lessons


  • Hgal

    My family and I are 10 months into a 13 month RTW trip. So glad we took the time and made the effort to do this. It’s been a fantastic adventure and a life-long learning opportunity for all of us, but especially for our daughter.


    • Caz

      Oh wow! What an awesome adventure for your family. there is nothing better, you are writing the best story!


  • chelle@geeyourebrave

    My Pop always encouraged any adventure I set my heart on. When I headed off to Europe for the first time he told me I reminded me of his sister. She never married and was known in the family as ‘eccentric’. He went into the garage and handed me a case. Inside I was blown away to discover hundreds of slides she had taken when she had travelled. There were some from Paris is the 1920s. I always think of her when I am off on my next adventure -except with my family in tow!


    • Caz

      Wow! The stories she must have to share. My Aunt was always the traveller as well. I found her quite exotic and am only starting to hear of her stories now as an adult. Love it. What great inspirations to have.


  • Laura

    You don’t have to be a celebrity to tell people your story. In fact, your story would probably mean more to your family and friends than that of a star they don’t even know.


  • Harris

    Inside I was blown away to discover hundreds of slides she had taken when she had travelled.


  • Marnie Byod

    I agree most of the opinions above. You don’t need to become a celebrity to tell your story but actually you can. Sharing personal life story is very much inspiring than any other story in the book or whatever it is.


  • Dave

    Absolutely. I agree with all of that. I think it’s important to live life big. To go nuts. I left Australia (my home) 8 months ago to have a go building a business while traveling the world. I don’t have a job and I’d be earning way more if I was still working in a cubicle, but I don’t regret my decision for a second… I LOVE living life, more than letting it happen.


    • Caz Makepeace

      go nuts!! Yes I agree. I love how you have decided to go and live your life. We only get one and its amazing how many people don’t understand this impact of this and just let life happen


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