9 Things I am Loving This Week
I’m back with things I love. I am contemplating turning this into a monthly segment instead as I find it difficult to keep up with on a weekly basis.
My Baby Girl Eating Solids
Well, I am kind of a little shattered with this as I know my baby is no longer a baby. She’s all grown up.
She really took to her rice cereal from the first spoonful. I started her a month earlier than the recommendations because she was feeding every two hours and would look longingly at us while we ate our food.
Wayne Dyer’s new book “Wishes Fulfilled”
Absolutely LOVING this book and the changes it has brought into my life. I am applying the principles in here and having incredible results.I have had so many aha moments.
“You are never given the power to dream without the equivalent power to manifest that dream and make it your reality.”
There were many unanswered questions I had about the law of Attraction And creating your own life. Wayne Dyer has finally answered them for me. I’ll be talking more about what I’ve learned in future posts.
Inspiring Quote
“The reason you get lost is that your mind will be more alert once you know you are not on familiar ground” L. Patt O’Neil
Improving my Writing
I recently attending the Sydney Writer’s Centre‘s travel writing course and learned so much. I am ready to start the freelance writing stage of my life. And an amazing thing happened.
A travel blogging friend of mine, who is also a very experienced and esteemed American journalist and editor has offered to be my mentor. Which means I will be publishing once a month on his blog, he will give me advice and help me edit my work, and he will publish one of my pieces in print. I am so excited. Exactly what I needed to improve my writing.
Watch y travel blog for upcoming vlogs documenting my journey into freelance travel writing.
Australia Day in Sydney with my Family
After weeks of recovering, I was finally able to get down to Sydney again for the day. We wandered Hyde Park and watching Bananas in Pyjamas and then had lunch in Sydney Harbour to watch the Tall Ship Race and then for an afternoon pint at the Lowenbrau. I would not recommend this popular Sydney restaurant and bar, as they are overpriced and they only half fill your pint.

Disgraceful- they should be shut down
That to me is a business that does not care about their customers and in this world of new media I don’t give my business to those that operate in this way.
Song- Set Fire to the Rain- Adele Cover by Tyler Ward
I love this song by Adele, but the radios kind of overkill it, so I loved hearing this fresh version from Tyler Ward
Blogs I’m Reading
The Power of One by Rach at In Spaces Between
I am certainly very guilty of juggling multiple tasks and have been really focused this year on trimming that down to be focused on one task to completion at a time. Rach offers some great suggestions.
The what I trust in list and why you need one and how to do it by Danielle LaPorte
This is something I am really working on at the moment- TRUST. I found Danielle’s post reaffirmed for me what I am doing and gave me some good pointers to stay on track. It’s all about trust
What are you loving this week?
I love the photo of Kalyra at the top of this post 🙂 I also enjoyed your inspirations and the insightful quotes. This week sunshine and SW Australia’s lovely beaches have made me glad to be alive, and a quote: “Happiness is not an absence of problems; but the ability to deal with them.” (A father’s book of wisdom, compiled by H Jackson Brown, Jr)
I love that quote Johanna- it is so true. We can never escape from life’s problems we just have to learn to manage them
I too have been working on sticking to one task at a time. It has been my mantra since the beginning of the year. Every time I get distracted or flustered I repeat, ‘one thing at a time’. It has really been working out for me.