Free Tickets to the Baby and Toddler Show Brisbane and Sydney

The Baby and Toddler Show is on this month of September in Brisbane and Sydney and I have just had a bunch of tickets land on my desk to giveaway.

The show brings together everything you need to give you the best for your pregnancy, baby and toddler. From comprehensive expert pregnancy and parenting advice, seminars Q & A sessions, cool boutiques and latest big brands to shop at, as well as entertainment for the kids.

And I have just noticed there will be a booth giving free massages. I’m there!

It’s a great outing for expectant and new parents and their kids.

Baby and Toddler Show

Brisbane: 2- 4 Sept (late notice, I know, not my fault) at the Brisbane Exhibition Centre 9:30 – 4:30 pm each day

Sydney:  30 Sept- 2 Oct Sydney Exhibition Centre Darling Harbour 9:30- 4:30pm each day

Each ticket is worth $20.

In order to receive a ticket leave a comment below. Tell me which event you would like a ticket for.

All those wanting tickets for Brisbane, I will select the winners based on first in best dressed.

All those for Sydney, as we have more time, I will randomly choose winners using

I will email the winners a unique code which you can register online to receive your free baby and toddler show ticket via email.

There are no more tickets left. Sorry and thank you

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  • Sue

    My daughter is expecting her first baby in November and I would love to be able to give her a free ticket to the baby and toddler show in Brisbane on 2 – 4th September 2011.

    Thanks so much for offering these



  • Vicki

    Hi there if possible I would love a free ticket to the Sydney Baby and Toddler Show on 30th Sep – 2nd Oct.


  • Tabitha Nolan

    Hi i would love a free ticket for the brisbane show as i have just had my little man and would
    love to see all the new stuff and learn new things

    Thanks Tabitha


  • Lea

    Hello! I’m hoping to take my best friend Kath to the Sydney Baby and Toddler Show. I have two children, but this is her first. She’s been so busy with her own business it’s about time she started getting excited about the bundle of gorgeousness that’s on it’s way 🙂
    Lea x


  • Fei

    I am currently expecting my first baby and I would love a free ticket to the Sydney Baby and Toddler Show on the 30th of Sep – the 2nd of Oct 2011. Thank you.


  • Vicki

    Hey!! Hope its not too late to put my name down for tickets for the Sydney show of course! Would be a fun and informative day out and will hope to see you all too! 🙂


  • Larissa

    I would love to register my interest in the ticket for the Sydney show. A new bubs with me now, I could really do with the extra info and tips in helping to make life easier and how to juggle life with a newborn!


  • Lina@MothersLoveLetters

    I’ll put my name down for Sydney, Caz.
    If you’d like to go, maybe we could go together?


    • Caz

      We must be on the same wavelength. I was only thinking this morning that I was going to email you and ask if you wanted to meet up and go!! Sounds great.


  • Kathryn Neumann

    I would love to win a ticket for my daughter to the baby and toddler show as she has just moved back to Sydney, due to have a baby in November and this would be a gret day out for us to bond, as I have had not alot to do with the preganncy due to her distance away. Thank you



  • Sy-Leigh

    I’m expecting for 2nd baby in Jan 2012 and would love to make it to the Sydney expo this year as i missed out last year. If you have any spare tickets it would be muck appreciated. oxo


  • Fanny

    Hi, if I am not too late, I would love to have a free ticket to the Sydney show. Thank you.


  • Fran

    I just had a baby & would love to come to the show for the first time.

    Thank you


  • Linda

    I’m expecting my first baby in January 2012. There’s so much to learn and buy and the baby and toddler show looks like it will help out alot. Could I have a ticket to the Sydney show if u have any? Thank you heaps!


  • Sansan

    Hi, I would love to have a free ticket to the Sydney show.

    Thank you


  • Pamela Tse

    Would love to have a ticket to the Sydney show and bring bub for a day out. When will you make the draw?

    Thank you.


  • Zainul

    Hi Caz,

    Would love to have a free ticket to the Baby & Toddler Show @ Sydney. Given that my daughter has just turned one month old, this would be a good show to vist.

    Thank you.


  • Michelle

    Hi Caz,
    I would love to have a free ticket for the show at Sydney. I’ve got a 3mth girl at home and she will be 4mth at the show time. Thanks alot.


  • Yvonne

    Hi I would love to check out the Sydney show. Have just had my 3rd baby and would love to see what’s new on the market.


  • Carol

    Hi I would love a free ticket to the Sydney baby & toddler show. Thank you


  • Kristen

    I’m not sure if you still have any tickets to the sydney show but I’d love one if you do. I have a 4 1/2 month old little boy and I’d love some more info.
    Cheers 🙂


  • maria


    I’m not sure if you still have any tickets to the Sydney show, if you do I’d love to have tow. My sister in law and I are both expecting and love to go. Thank you so much.



    • Caz

      I don’t have any left at the moment, but if I can get more I’ll send them your way


  • Kanika Arora


    If you still have tickets to the Sydney Show, it would be great to have them for me and my 6 months old baby.


  • kim

    Hi there if possible I would love a free ticket to the Sydney Baby and Toddler Show on 30th Sep – 2nd Oct. thanks a lot!


    • Caz

      I”m sorry Kim, I am all out now.


  • Kellie Buchanan

    I’m not sure if you still have any tickets to the sydney show but I’d love one if you do. If you’d like to go, maybe we could go together? Hope its not too late to put my name down for tickets for the Sydney show of course! Thank you so much.


    • Caz

      It is too late. The show is over


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