Saturday Mojito with Rachel from In Spaces Between

I first met Rachel via email in regards to her role in Gold Coast Tourism and our travel blog. I met her a few days later at the Problogger Conference in 2011.

She had this aura of light, sweetness and happiness about her and I was so happy to meet her in person. Rachel very humbly told me about her blog, In Spaces Between, and I when I checked it out, I was blown away by how fresh, and uplifting it was. I’m now a raving fan of Rachel’s blog and the beautiful person she is.

Her life is inspiring and she truly wants every person to be living a life full of magic.

Oh and it is also her 30th Birthday today. What a special day to be hosting her! Happy Birthday Rach, the 30’s rock!

Come sit and learn more about Rachel MacDonald from In Spaces Between

In spaces between

First job you ever had?

Scooping ice-cream at New Zealand Natural as a 14 year old.

Cheap or designer sunglasses?

Both! I’m a bit of a sunglasses nut and I mix and match cheapies in with my designer styles. One of my favourite pairs are the cheapest of the bunch.

Where did you go for your honeymoon?

Haven’t gone yet but the tickets are booked and we’re off to Italy and Switzerland in May next year.

If we were to meet for a drink, what drink could I buy you?

A Moscow Mule, a Lychee Caiprioska or a Mojito. I’m not fussy 😉

Dream shopping spree destination?

I’ve been there twice and I’m sure I’ll visit again – NYC!

Any phobias?

Burglars and snakes. Eek.

Coffee and cake…OR…wine and cheese?

I don’t drink coffee so I’ll go wine and cheese… with cake for dessert?

Kisses OR Cuddles?

Ooh can’t choose. Kisses while being cuddled for sure.

If I came to your house for dinner, what is your signature dish?

I love cooking Mexican or Thai so would either make you spicy fish tacos or a beautiful green or red curry. (hmm hard choice, I think I’ll go Thai- Caz)

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

Sitting on a blanket by the beach watching the sun come down with a bottle of wine.

What would you like to change about yourself?

My tendency to multitask (and my tendency to get distracted easily – they seem to go hand in hand!).

 What quote motivates or inspires you the most?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”- MARIANNE WILLIAMSON 

Currently reading?

About 9 books simultaneously! Really enjoying Chris Guillebeau’s The $100 Startup.

Your favourite travel destination?

New York, Queenstown and Byron Bay are all at the top of the list.

What does happiness mean to you?

Source: via Caroline on Pinterest

What is the biggest advice you would give to your 21 year old self?

  • No, it’s not a good idea to let your friends “straighten” your hair with an iron – every weekend.
  • Stop making excuses for that guy (he’s totally not worth it and you’ll realise that very soon).
  • Sleep more!

What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

That I was born in Northern Ireland and had a thick Belfast accent until I was about 5 years old.

Favourite makeup or skin care products?

Trilogy Rosehip Oil is my ‘desert island’ skincare product. Love it.

 What posters were on your wall growing up?

Let me picture the faces over the years for a moment… East 17, Luke Perry, Jason Priestly, Johnny Depp, River Phoenix, Kelly Slater, Silverchair… there was a while there where I didn’t actually have any wall space, it was all posters. Remember TV Hits magazine? A goldmine for poster loving tweens/ teens (and the song lyric cut out cards – genius!)

Describe yourself in three words?

Joyful. Spirited. Interested.

So awesome to learn more about you Rach. We have a lot in common. Thank you for joining us.

Don’t forget to connect with Rachel using the details below.

 Rachel MacDonald (nee Magahy) is a digital communications specialist and proud creator of In Spaces Between, a positive corner of the web chock-full of inspiration for living a big, beautiful life.

 When she’s not playing cheerleader for her reader’s big dreams, you can find her laughing with her husband, getting creative, moving her body or burying her nose in a good book.
Connect here:
Instagram @rachelmagahy

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  • Christina @ Hair Romance

    You can’t help but feel uplifted meeting Rach or visiting In Spaces Between. Loved reading more about her Caz x


  • Nikki @ Styling You

    I am a huge fan of Rach and her blog too. She’s the epitome of beauty – inside and out.


  • Jess @ Sparrow + Sea

    Aaaaww, reading Miss Rachel’s words always makes me smile – she is a real glow-getter of a gal!!!


  • kirri

    I love Rachel’s blog as well and it looks like we share the same favourite inspirational quote!


  • Rach // In Spaces Between

    Thank you so much for hosting me here Caz (love you and what you do!) and a big thanks to you Chrissy, Nikki, Jess + Kirri – you guys are the best xx


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