What If Heaven Really Was on Earth?

What if heaven really was on Earth?

What if we spent eternal life in the outer realm waiting for that once chance for us to appear in human form on Earth?

What if the outer realm was the most magical place; Magical because you could be anywhere you wanted at any time and all you ever felt was unconditional love. But despite this you still wanted to leave to experience this other heaven on earth?

LOVE embraced

LOVE embraced

Source: Uploaded by user via Kate on Pinterest

Like how love felt when you were embraced.

Or the saltiness of tears as your heart lay broken.

Or the sweet sound of a violin and the uplifting music of an acoustic guitar.

What if you wanted to dance like no one was watching? And paint a masterpiece, it being so because it came from your own creative energy.

What if there was something you wanted to do that only you could do?

heaven on earth

Heaven on earth Ginae B.

What if you were given a pass to enter this heaven on Earth?

Your dream came true, you could experience life as a human.

You waited for so long, a door opened, and away you went based upon the condition that you would contribute in a way only you knew how.

You knew before you arrived that your time would be fraught with dangers and challenges. You knew that you would experience rage, happiness, heartbreak, joy, fulfillment and deep deep love, like that of a mother for a child- a love that you really understood as it was where you came from.

You were prepared for all of this. Even knowing that your human form would die, you still wanted to go because you wanted to experience the fullness of life.

You wanted to create, you wanted to be.

What if when you arrived here, you didn’t forget that your journey here was short? You didn’t forget that you were powerful. You didn’t forget that you were magnificent. You didn’t forget that you had a special purpose to serve.

And what if you didn’t’ forget that every single moment you lived on this precious heaven on Earth needed to be cherished and experienced because you would not return?

What if you remembered that it is not the afterlife you should be living for but the here and now? Because the outer realm is perfect; It always has been and always will be. You will always be welcomed there as it is where you are from.

This is your chance to live.

What if you didn’t forget?

Would you hold your children a little tighter?

What if heaven were on earthSource: flickr.com via Caroline on Pinterest

Would you be kinder to your neighbour?

Would you laugh more and be silly and stop caring what others thought of you?

Would you bounce just that little bit more with each step, swing your arms a little higher, and grin a little wider because you understand the true nature of your existence and what a gift it is to be truly alive?

Would you understand that others are just as precious as you? In fact, they are just like you. They too came from the same place as you with the same good intentions to live as a human for awhile and experience joy.

Would you stop to smell the roses and marvel at the early morning light reflecting off the dew?

Would you pause to witness the beauty of the sun setting on another glorious day and greet it again when it returns?


Another glorious day

Source: ionwkathy.tumblr.com via Caroline on Pinterest

Would you?

Would you forgive yourself for just being human when you cried a little too hard, or smashed the glass in anger, or spoke in harsh words to your lover?

Would you forgive your friend?

Would you quieten your mind every day so you can tap into that inner place that you came from and still carry within you? Would you ask that it continue to guide you on this sacred journey on earth?

Would you praise yourself for being brave? Would you kiss everything good and bad that came into your life with profound gratitude?

Would you love every bit of you?

Would you seize each and every single day and make sure that you are living your purpose, the very thing that you came down to do?

What if heaven really was on Earth?

Your Turn to Share Tips:

How would your life be different if you thought it so? Why don't you?

posted in: Daily Life
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  • Lisa Wood

    Hi Caz,
    What a great blog post! Lots to think about…I wonder why we are never kind to ourself, nor do we take the time to “Be” – I always put my needs last! I guess I am harder on myself because I am a Mum…and we are taught (well at least I was!) to put everyone needs before my own. Wonder why we cant look at what we have and think that we do have heaven on earth?


    • Caz

      I think we have it all wrong. I mean look at our world, its obvious that we do. I thinnk if we put ourselves first and are therefore happy that can only affect th way we treat others.

      I think taking the time to be is the essential ingredient to life. This is the stuff they need to teach us in schools and is why they fail so miserably at educating our children.


  • Nicky Singh

    Hi Caz, I think its’ important to find happiness everyday, that might be taking a stroll along the beach, doing some craft, baking, sport, whatever makes you happy. Because who knows what awaits us and why waste what we have today.

    Nicky Singh.


    • Caz

      I agree Nicky. Just think, these days pass by but once! Time to enjoy them


  • k

    what a truly inspirational post. Thanks.


  • Tamara

    Beautiful! Reminds me to focus on the wonderful and be truly grateful for what I have, thank you 🙂


    • Caz

      My pleasure. It certainly helps you to think about living more fully


  • Hannah

    What an AMAZING piece of inspiration!!! I’m going to print this out and put it in my diary to read often! Thank you!!


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