Thought of the Week: Advice for a newborn

Boy, do the weeks go fast. time for another thought of the week.

Each week I present a new question or thought of the week so that our brains don’t get too Sunday lazy.

The questions are chosen to help you reflect more on your life, your thought patterns and the path your life is headed.

As I find myself beginning to prepare for childbirth and the arrival of our new little baby girl, I am thinking more again about motherhood and our responsibility to raise strong, independent, respectful children who know how to dream big and work hard.

So my thought for this week is

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

There are so many pieces of advice you could offer a newborn child. Choosing one is extremely difficult. You have to narrow it down to the one piece of advice that would hold true to everything else and prepare them for the life ahead.

Advice for a newborn

What would you tell her?

I think the piece of advice I would therefore offer would be this.

You are powerful beyond measure.

You hold all the answers. The power lies within you. It is up to you to use this power in a positive way and to never stop believing in yourself.

Your Turn to Share Tips:

What would your piece of advice for a newborn be?

posted in: Daily Life
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  • K

    I would say; You can be anything you want to be.


  • kirri

    A great question and challenging to limit it to just one thought….
    I would say: Always attempt to navigate your life from a place of love and compassion.


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