My first radio experience on 702 ABC Sydney

Notice I said first.

It’s not because I have a calendar booked with radio appearances, but because I am leaving the doors of opportunity open for them.

Source: via Debbie on Pinterest

It has been my goal for the past 12 months to be featured more in mainstream media.

Let’s bring it back to the magic for a minute.

When you set your intentions to the Universe, it is flipping amazing what it returns.

It started with a few print interviews here and then we had our first feature in the Sunday Telegraph on page 11. I never realized how many people read that paper. Every person I know that I have seen since tells me that saw us in it.

We were featured because we put our hand up for it.

Since setting my intention for media appearances I have actually received media training from Steve Murphy. He is the guy that trains all reality TV stars on how to present yourself in the media.

The training proved invaluable and Steve is someone I can now send a tweet to for some extra words of encouragement or advice.

Last week we were asked to join 702 ABC radio for their live travel segment to talk about places to discover on Sydney harbour.

I was completely freaked out and not even sure I had enough knowledge to give the station what they wanted. But I said yes.

I knew I could figure it out. This was an opportunity I wanted and could not say no to.

After I said yes, I started planning and realized I actually did know enough to talk about and if there were any gaps then I could easily fill them with Dr Google.

The next thing I knew I had to do was to increase my confidence to believe that I could speak on radio and not stuff it up.

I am a big believer in mind training. Placing yourself in the position you know you are going to be in and practicing what you are going to say, your energy levels and how you can handle any potential problems.

I remember Steve talking about the different energy levels you would need for radio. I sent him a quick DM, he replied with a couple of tips and refreshers. I phoned my sister- an ex-journo who used to be on radio in Broome.

She gave me tips, told me I’ll be fine and that it will be a lot of fun.

“Focus on it just being a normal conversation.”

on radio

Aha. I can connect to that. Just like my podcast interviews. Another thing the Universe has thrown at me in order to help me prepare for the future. I love doing my podcast interviews. They are relaxed, informal and conversational based. Same thing, except this one is live.

I typed out my notes in point form. When I speak publicly I rarely rely on notes. It’s a teacher habit. Thank God for my teaching experience as it has taught me how to have a clear outline, but to present it and engage with the audience rather than rely on reading out the notes.

The notes are vital to have for confidence and in case you get stuck and need to fall back on them. I only needed to use them once in the interview when the mind went blank and I stumbled a bit.

I arrived early to the station. Another teacher trick. There is nothing worse than starting a class being flustered from time limits and not being prepared. You have to give your mind time to relax.

I spent the train journey going over my notes and saying what I wanted to say. As I was waiting to go in, I started my deep breaths and went inward to the place of power that resides in my gut.

And I spoke to it. Please give me the strength and confidence I need. I trust in you to help me say exactly the right thing.

I walked in, and put on my headset. Linda, the host gave me thumbs up and a gigantic smile. I relaxed, smiled, took a deep breath, said “You got this” and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Click here to listen to the recorded interview (Recording courtesy of “Mornings with Linda Mottram on 702 ABC Sydney“)

When in situations like this you have to trust that you are the expert and you have something valuable to share and focus on that.

I just hope the doors stay open so more opportunities come my way.

It’s amazing what can happen when you intend for it and then say yes and have fun with it.

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  • kirri White

    Another great interview Caz – radio (eek!).

    If you don’t mind me saying so, I can see how far you have come and it is so encouraging to me personally. Great stuff honey puff!


    • Caz Makepeace

      Thank you!! I had to dig real deep for this one to pull out the confidence. I was spewing when I stumbled. So glad I had my notes to quickly recover.


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